Those Who Hold Dominion Here takes inspiration from serpents in Incan Mythology and Southern snakes to create a liminal space at the center of the earth presided over by deities capable of transgressing the boundary between this subterranean spiritual realm and our current lived reality. After the violence of our present, portals on the walls reminiscent of black holes observe and allow entry and exit to the space. Observing through these windows our human actions on earth, these yonic, serpentine deities rise encrusted from the deepest earth, unknowable, and as guides responsible for the passage of knowledge. Bringing humanity to a negotiation of human time on earth, they facilitate the decision to exit the space through another portal, on to an unknown world to come, or the possibility of complete non-existence.

“Though we tremble before uncertain futures may we meet illness, death and adversity with strength may we dance in the face of our fears.” - Gloria Anzaldúa

“We are often more tender to the dead than to the living, though it is the living who need our tenderness most.” - Robert Macfarlane


Our Nightmarish Pieces


"in the darkness, I have perceived non-existence"